Monday 7 March 2022

Lymphoy Cup Round 5 Results and League Table

Round Five took place over two Fridays - 25th February and 4th March. That scrabbling sound you hear in the loft? It's the pigeons going mental because Topcat's been let loose. The pigeons (and I accept that the analogy is being stretched like a piece of German dough here!) are four other teams in the Lymphoy Cup league and the cat is Katie Wood and her team of Andrew Galloway, Joe Barrie and Richie Anderson. They took on the previously unassailable Karen Munro and, despite being three down after two ends, scored two, one, three and two in the next four ends to take an 8-3 lead into the seventh and last end. Karen managed a score of three in the last end to make the scoreline look more palatable, but still - big win for Katie and the race for the Lymphoy Cup is now well and truly open for business! In the other game on the February Friday, Robin Copland and Jenny Barr managed to get eight ends in! That's about it really - Robin scraped a win.
The next week saw the tightest game of the round in which Dave Munro, Rowena Steven, Sarah Ford and Susan MacFarlane come from one behind playing the sixth and last end to score a two and secure the win against Norman Nicol's team, this week skipped by Megan Priestley. The final score was 5-4 and each team scored three ends. In the last game of the round, John Steven's rink, skipped by Shona Watt, supported by Morag Wellman, Maggie Barrie and David Hogg had a good 9-4 win over Brian Fleming's team. They remain rooted to the bottom spot in the league. Here's the league table.
Game on, as a wiser man than I once remarked. Wide open now, though Karen's four-end advantage could prove pivotal. We shall see!

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