Monday 14 February 2022

Lymphoy Cup Round 3 and 4.1 Results and League Table

By now, all teams have played three rounds, and as you can see below, some have moved on and played four. Already the league is sorting itself out and Karen Munro is leading the way on eight points from four games (though, and to be very fair, she would have been hard pressed to have scored eight points from three - something to do with arithmetic I'm guessing). What does that mean for the two teams at the bottom of the table, namely Brian Fleming and Robin Copland? Well, Brian is completely goosed and Robin is not far behind him in the old "a perfect fat for roast potatoes" stakes. To be very fair to Robin's team, the blame for that is all down to his inability to throw a stone that actually does what it says on the tin. In Brian's case, I cannot comment except to say that he slides on his toe and his knee will be wrecked pretty soon. Another youngster, Katie Wood of this parish, trails Karen by a mere two points and is grimly hanging on - still in contention for a podium finish. Here's the league and scores grid for your edification and entertainment.
A good couple of weeks and results for Katie, as you can see, but for Jenny, on the other hand - not so good. As I say, it's Karen's team that is setting the pace, so congratulations to Karen, Morna Aitken, Douglas Burns and Angela Downie - strong team!

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