Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Tom Holmes Bonspiel and Supper

A fitting climax to C&B's season is always the Tom Holmes bonspiel and supper. This year was no different, but dare I say it, even more poignant given the events of the past couple of years. Anyhow, as I was absent without leave, I asked President Niall Gunn to pen a few words about the day. Here is what he had to say...
It was great to have a real bonspiel again with a good number of new and co-opted members playing. After the second round of matches, there were four teams out of the eight still in the mix which made it all to play for in round 3, with Douglas Burns and his team of Morag Wellman, Maggie Barry and Douglas's wee brother, Cammy Burns - probably the youngest player on the ice - emerging as the winners with five ends won in total. Many congratulations to them and well done, Douglas, on getting the winning skip thing off your back!
After some of the usual banter in the bar, we all sat down to supper. I gave a bit of a spiel about the origins of the competition and explained who Tom Holmes was, how we ended up having a bonspiel in his memory and the connection between current and past members who donated the trophy. The old traditions of grace before the supper, the presentation of prizes and sliding the coins towards the bottles (thank you to Dave and Sheena Munro for the bottle of port and to Donald Kennedy for the bottle of Highland Park malt whisky) were all enjoyed by members and others who were enjoying the atmosphere in a very busy bar. The meal had been delicious and beautifully prepared as always by Paul and his team. and we all went home happy and content!